Pricing Options for a Virtual Data Room

When a company decides that it is interested in using a virtual room, it requires two primary features: highly secure storage of documents and files, and easy access for team members. There are various pricing options for the VDR depending on the type of project, industry, quantity of users, and duration. These include per-page pricing or per-user pricing.

Many vendors charge based on the number of gigabytes. This pricing structure is ideal for projects that have relatively small text files, but is costly for businesses exchanging large audio and video files.

The price of a VDR is also dependent on the amount of administrative access that is granted to the system. Some providers allow unlimited admins that can make the platform more expensive. However, this feature streamlines workflows and speeds the process of due diligence.

Some vendors allow integration with other commonly used platforms, like Slack or Microsoft Office that improves functionality and user experience. These features are typically more expensive than those that don’t integrate.

The length of a project’s duration can often influence the cost of the data room. A provider will typically establish a price for a specific number of months and then charge month-to-month afterward. Some vendors, like DealRoom, will offer discounts for M&A transactions, and will also provide the option to cancel the contract once the transaction has been completed. This is a good option for companies who aren’t certain about the duration of the project.

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