How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

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Self-assessment of board members is a vital practice of leadership that top-performing boards make use of to ensure long-term oversight. It requires the board to step back from day-to-day business and candidly examine its effectiveness. This allows the board members to discuss problems that could otherwise result in friction and anger.

There are a myriad of ways to conduct a self-assessment of an entire board, from interviews and surveys to facilitated discussions. The best approach depends on the size of the board, the available resources and the amount you’d like to explore in the assessment.

When you choose the method make sure you know the goals of the assessment. Do you wish to improve accountability, improve governance, or align governance with goals of the organization? Once you have determined this, you are able to select an evaluation tool.

Some tools allow you to compare results against other health systems and hospitals and others focus exclusively on your organization’s governance policies. Whatever you choose it is crucial that the tools used are unbiased and do not make any calls to the individual directors. This will create a safe environment for honest feedback.

Many boards also employ peer review processes that asks board members for an evaluation of their co-directors. This can be an effective and productive activity, but it’s crucial that the process is kept private. It can be difficult for some directors to criticize an individual director when they are afraid that they’ll be accused of it back at them. In this situation it’s generally better to have the facilitator review all the responses and decide which insights are relevant to communicate to the board.

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