How to Compose a Job Posting

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A well-written job ad is the first point of contact between your organization and potential candidates. It’s the first opportunity for your company to present your values and culture in a manner that is appealing. A strong job posting can attract interest in the position and in your company that results in better applications and more interviews.

A great job description contains crucial details regarding the hiring process, from beginning to finish. This will ensure that both you and the applicant are on the same page with regards to what to expect. This can also prevent candidates being ghosted or dropping out and also an efficient, fair hiring process for everyone involved.

Make sure you use a simple, clear language that is easily understood by all types of audiences. Avoid jargons and cliches that can make it difficult for potential applicants. Use job postings to promote your diversity initiatives. Make sure that the language used does not exclude any person.

Additionally, don’t overlook to include the main benefits and perks in your job advertisements. If your company offers free lunches or a great office with a view, or allows flexible hours of work, it is worth including these in your job descriptions as they could swing the candidate’s favor over competitors. It’s also a great idea to include any volunteering opportunities or community involvement your company is involved in as this is something that many potential employees consider when deciding which firm to apply to.

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