Career Guidance and Support

Career guidance and support are services aimed at supporting people, of any age, at any stage in their lives, to make education, training and occupational choices and manage their careers. They provide assessments of skills and advice, as well as information about job search skills, mentorship and counselling. They can be given face to face in a distance, or in a blended environment.

If they are examining their values and interests or trying to figure out the kind of career path they’d like to take, many people seek advice on their career. This can help create an enjoyable and fulfilling career. Counseling can assist people in understanding how to balance their work and lifestyle to their goals. It can also offer advice on how to pursue a specific job, such as what requirements are needed, how to find jobs and the top schools for this field.

Career guidance and assistance can help people with disabilities find a rewarding career. Career counselors can help those who have disabilities assess their strengths, talents, and talents, and determine if they have the qualifications required for a particular job. This information can then be used to develop an employment plan as well as explore other career options.

Career coaching can make employees more engaged by providing expert guidance on how they can advance their careers within the company. This can be accomplished by helping them design a career path that incorporates specific milestones that help them stay on course with their goals and providing them with the resources they will need to succeed.

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