The Custom of European Weddings

While countless nations around the world have adopted wedding customs to accommodate yesterday’s bride and groom, some German civilizations continue to practice them today. While it’s become popular for couples to have a first search instant before their wedding, most European nations are still in the early stages and favor that the partners discover each other for the first time when they walk down the aisle!

On their huge morning, friends and family typically take the pair to the church or registry workplace. These individuals may arrange photo shoots in funny wigs, perform musical instruments, and yet sing. In the hours between their evening drink and the dining that will follow a few hours after, the best man and maid of honor frequently prepare a number of entertaining games for the bride and groom. It all depends on the players ‘ imagination and creativity, from kidnapping the bride to forcing her husband to chop a block of wood!

The couple typically hosts a large bridal celebration with plenty of foods, beverages, and song after the service. The pair frequently takes a split from eating some of their unique Norwegian wedding bread during this time, which allows them to dance openly. Additionally, it is usual for honeymooners to place a coin inside each pair of shoes to prevent any monetary issues.

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